How To Choose The Best Soil for Snake Plant

How To Choose The Best Soil for Snake Plant

Which snake plant soil can help my plants to grow healthy? It’s really important to use the right kind of soil for snake plants. This means that you need to know what makes good soil, so your plant can grow big and healthy. In this message, I’ll tell you everything you need to know, like the best kind of soil for snake plants and what to look for, and I’ll even give you a recipe to make your own.

Choosing the right soil for snake plants to grow healthy and strong is important. Using the wrong soil can cause problems for your snake plant, and it might even die. So it’s important to choose the right snake plant soil.

Snake plants are called by many names including Dracaena Trifasciata and Mother-In-Law’s Tongue

The good news is that many types of soil are available that are perfect for snake plants. These soils have all the important things that a snake plant needs to stay healthy and look pretty. If you’re shopping for soil, there are a few things to remember.

After propagation snake plants you need a nutritious soil to use to grow it faster and healthy.

You’ll want to ensure that the soil has all the ingredients the plant needs to grow well. There are also some tips and tricks you can follow to help your snake plant grow to its fullest potential. Finally, some specific soil mixes are known to be the best for snake plants, and we’ll tell you all about them.

This information will tell you everything you need to know about the kind of soil snake plants need to grow well. You’ll learn what makes good soil for snake plants and how to make sure they stay healthy.

By reading this, you’ll find out which types of soil are good for snake plants and what makes them a good choice. You’ll also learn how to make your own soil with a simple recipe that I’ll share with you. It’s all about helping your snake plant grow strong and healthy.

Lets, know more on the best soil for snake plants in the article below:

What Kind Of Soil Does A Snake Plant Need?

When you have a snake plant, it needs soil that lets water drain well, has some food for it to grow and lets air flow in and out easily. This will help make sure it doesn’t get too much water, which can be bad for the plant.

It’s important to remember that snake plants are special types of plants called succulents. This means they’re really good at keeping water in their leaves and not needing to be watered often.

Since snake plants are good at holding onto water, they don’t like soil that stays too wet. If they’re in soil that doesn’t drain well, it can cause problems like their roots getting too much water and starting to rot. That’s why it’s important to choose soil for snake plants that drains well and doesn’t stay too wet.

The good news is that no matter what kind of snake plant you have, they all like the same type of soil. So, you don’t have to worry about choosing different soil for different kinds of snake plants. They all like the same kind.

A friend of mine used the best soil for her snake plant and in a few months one of her snake plant grew flower, which was so amazing to see.

Choose the best soil for a snake plant to grow it healthier

How to Choose The Best Soil for Snake Plants

A snake plant likes to live in the light, airy soil that lets water pass through easily. This kind of soil should also have a pH level between 5.5 and 7.0. Instead of using soil from outside in your garden or backyard, which might have bugs or germs in it, it’s better to use a special kind of soil that you can buy at the store.

This soil is specially made to be clean and free of pests and diseases, so your snake plant can live happily and healthily.

Types of Soil for Snake Plants

Snake plants are not too demanding when it comes to the soil they grow in, so you have many options to choose from.

They are also okay with different plant food types, whether natural or made in a lab. Although there are many types of snake plants, it might be hard to find soil labeled just for them.

Instead, you can look for an all-purpose indoor potting soil that meets snake plants’ requirements to grow healthy and strong.

NPK Ratio

The snake plant likes to have the right balance of three things called nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (also known as NPK).

One way to get this balance is to use a special kind of fertilizer that has the numbers 10-10-10 on it. This tells you that the fertilizer has an equal amount for each of these three things the plant needs.

However, it’s okay if the soil has a slightly different balance of NPK because the snake plant can handle it. If you want to adjust the balance of NPK, you can add some more of the balanced fertilizer to the soil.

You don’t need to worry about getting the right balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the soil mix for your snake plant.

Over time, the plant will take in these nutrients from the soil and use them. Plus, some of the nutrients in the soil will be washed away when you water the plant.

So it’s okay if the soil mix has a slightly different balance of these things. If you choose indoor potting soil that’s good for all kinds of plants, your snake plant will be happy and healthy.

Nutrients & Micronutrients

Apart from the main three nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), the snake plant needs some very small amounts of other nutrients called micronutrients. These include things like boron, manganese, zinc, and copper, and they can be found naturally in some kinds of organic soil mixes.

If the soil mix you choose doesn’t have these micronutrients, you can add them to the soil when you give the plant its plant food.

You only need to do this twice a year when the plant grows the most, usually during the spring and summer months.

Because the snake plant only needs a few micronutrients, the best way to give it plant food is by using a special kind of balanced fertilizer made for houseplants with those nutrients.

But if the soil mix you use already has some fertilizer in it, you should wait for about 6 months before you give the plant any more food.

ALSO READ: A Complete Guide to Snake Plant Care

Bark Compost

Some soil mixes with composted bark are really good for snake plants. These mixes are light and let water pass through them easily. Snake plants can grow in many different types of soil, but just like many other indoor plants, they do best when the soil is a little bit wet but not too wet or soggy.

Composted bark is made from things like pine bark, and it doesn’t get packed down when you water it, but it does hold on to a little bit of water.

When you mix this kind of bark with soil, it makes space for the plant’s roots to grow, and it also helps air get to the roots. This helps the soil stay damp for longer and keeps it from drying out too fast.

Organic/Natural Ingredients

Growing mixes are usually made of natural materials like peat moss and compost unless they’re made completely out of perlite or vermiculite. These natural materials are often used, but just because they’re natural doesn’t mean they’re organic.

An organic growing mix is made only from natural things that haven’t been treated with any chemicals.

That means they don’t have anything synthetic in them. Some people like organic growing mix because it’s more likely to be made in a way that’s good for the environment. But even if you don’t use an organic mix, you can still grow a healthy snake plant.

Coconut Coir

Soil mixes for snake plants often have coconut coir, which is a material from the outside of coconuts. Coconut coir is great for growing snake plants because it doesn’t get squished and helps air get to the roots.

It also lets water pass through it well, and when it gets wet, it holds on to some of the water and then slowly gives it to the plant. This means you don’t have to water the plant as much.

Coconut coir is a type of fiber that comes from the outside of coconuts, and it is often used in soil mixes for growing plants like the snake plant.

This is because it is lightweight and doesn’t get packed down, which allows air to get to the roots of the plant. It also absorbs water well, so the plant can gradually take up moisture, and you don’t have to water it as often.

Coconut coir is good for the environment because it breaks down slowly over time and helps make the soil better for growing plants.

However, coconut coir by itself doesn’t have all the nutrients that snake plants need to grow, so it’s usually mixed with other things like peat moss, composted bark, and perlite to make the best soil for the snake plant.

Drainage Layer

When you grow plants indoors, it’s important to make sure that they don’t sit in water, which can be bad for their roots. This is especially true for snake plants.

To help with drainage, you should use a pot with holes in the bottom and add a layer of clean gravel to the bottom (about 1 to 2 inches deep) before putting in the soil and plant. This will make sure that water can drain out of the pot and won’t make the soil too wet.

To make sure your snake plant grows well, it’s a good idea to use a pot with a saucer. The saucer will collect any water that comes out of the pot when you water the plant.

After you water the plant and let it drain for about 15 minutes, you should dump out the saucer and put the pot back in place. This will help prevent the soil from getting too wet and causing problems for the plant.

PRO TIP: Keep your pets away as snake plants are toxic to cats, dogs etc.

The Best Type Of Soil For Snake Plants

The best kind of soil for snake plants is a light, rich mix that lets water drain well. This will help the plant grow strong and healthy and prevent problems like too much water in the soil.

I wouldn’t use regular potting soil on its own for snake plants because many brands have soil that holds onto too much water. This can be bad for the plant and cause problems like root rot. It’s better to find soil that drains well and doesn’t stay too wet.

When you’re picking the right soil for your snake plant, make sure it has these important qualities:

Free-Draining Soil

When you’re at the store looking for soil for your snake plant, make sure you read the label carefully. You want to find soil that drains water quickly.

If the label says it holds onto moisture or anything like that, it’s not the right choice for your plant. You want soil that drains well so your plant doesn’t get too much water.

Porous Mix

Another important thing to look for when choosing soil for your snake plant is one with tiny holes so that air can flow through easily.

This will help the soil drain faster and let the roots get the air they need to grow healthy. So make sure the soil you choose has these tiny holes or is called “porous” or “aerated.”

Nutrient Richness

Snake plants don’t need a lot of extra food (fertilizer) if they’re planted in soil that already has the right nutrients.

So when you’re choosing soil, look for one that has organic materials in it, like compost or peat moss. This will help keep your snake plant strong and healthy, and you won’t have to give it extra fertilizer.

Snake Plant Soil pH Levels

Snake plants aren’t very picky about the acidity of the soil, but they do grow best in soil that’s slightly acidic to neutral, with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0.

This means that if you use a special tool called a pH meter, it should read between 5.5 and 7.0. This will give your snake plant the best chance to grow strong and healthy.

If the soil for your snake plant is too basic or alkaline, you can add an acidifier to make it more acidic. You can also add fertilizer granules that are made for acidic soil.

But if the soil is too acidic, you can add some garden lime to balance it out. This way, your snake plant will have the perfect soil to grow in.

How To Make Potting Soil For Sansevieria

Making your own potting soil for snake plants is a fun and easy project. You can create the perfect mixture for your plants at home.

If you want to buy soil for your snake plants, you can get a commercial mix that’s ready to use. But if you want to save money and have complete control over what goes into the soil, you can make your own.

Making your own soil can be a fun and cost-effective way to make sure your snake plants get exactly what they need.

Snake Plant Soil Mix Recipe

If you want to make your own soil for your snake plant, don’t worry, it’s not hard at all. I have a special recipe that’s easy to make, and you can even save the extra for next time. Here’s how to do it.

To make your own snake plant soil, you’ll need to use the same amount for each ingredient so that it’s the same every time. You can use a bucket or measuring cup as a guide.

To make soil for your snake plant, you’ll need some supplies and some ingredients. Here’s what you need:


  • 2 parts regular potting soil
  • 1 part coarse sand
  • 1 part perlite or pumice
  • 1 part coco coir or peat moss

Supplies needed:

  • Measuring container
  • Shovel or trowel
  • Mixing container (like a bucket or a tray)
  • Dust mask (if you want to wear one)


  • You’ll need to gather some materials to create the perfect soil for your snake plant.
  • Take a bucket or a tray and put in some regular potting soil, coco coir or peat moss, coarse sand, and perlite or pumice.
  • Then, use a trowel or shovel to mix everything together nicely until it’s thoroughly combined.
  • Next, add in the coarse sand and perlite or pumice and mix everything together well so that all the ingredients are evenly combined.
  • Once you’re done using the soil mixture for your snake plant, any extra can be stored in a tight container, like a jar or a bucket, for later use.

Best Soil For Snake Plants Our Team Recommends

To find a good soil mix for growing snake plants, it should be made for indoor houseplants and have certain qualities.

The soil should be able to drain water well, not get too hard, and stay a little bit moist between waterings. It should have a pH level between 5.5 to 7.0, and it shouldn’t have any pests or diseases. Some good soil picks for growing snake plants meet these criteria.

1. FoxFarm Ocean Forest Organic Potting Soil

You can use FoxFarm Ocean Forest Organic Soil Mix to grow a healthy snake plant. This soil mix is made of natural materials like sphagnum, peat moss, earthworm castings, bat guano, fish, and crab meal.

It also contains forest humus and sandy loam, which help the plant grow well. Everything in this soil mix is organic, which means it is free of synthetic materials.

Ocean Forest is a type of soil mix great for growing snake plants. It has a pH level between 6.3 and 6.5, which is just right for snake plants to grow. This soil mix is already moist when you buy it, so you don’t have to add water to it. You can use it straight out of the bag.


This potting soil is made from natural materials like moss, soil, and other organic things.

Its pH level is just right for growing snake plants, and it falls between 6.3 and 6.5.

Plus, it’s organic.

Good things about this soil:

  • Comes ready to use; no need to add water first
  • It is light and drains well, so the snake plant won’t get too wet
  • Made only from natural things, so it’s better for the environment

Not so good thing about this soil:

  • It’s more expensive than some other options.

2. Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix

So a company makes things for gardens, like plants and soil. They made something called “Miracle-Gro Indoor Potting Mix”. This mix has different things in it that make it light, like when you lift it up, it’s not too heavy.

It’s made up of things like moss, coconut, and something called perlite. When you water your plant, the mix can hold onto some of the water, but it also lets the extra water drain out so your plant doesn’t get too wet. This helps your snake plant grow really well.

You can put Miracle-Gro in the dirt to help your snake plant grow. It has a special mix that can make it harder for little bugs called gnats to bother your plant.

It also has some food for your plant that will help it grow strong and healthy. The food is made to be released slowly, so you don’t have to give your plant more food for up to 6 months.

While most of the things in Miracle-Gro are natural, it’s not completely organic.

The stuff in this product is made from things like moss, coconut, and something called perlite. It’s not too acidic or too basic, it’s just right in the middle. This product doesn’t use only natural things, so it’s not completely organic.

Here are some good things about this product:

  • It’s not too heavy because it’s made from light things
  • It lets extra water flow away from the plant
  • It has food for the plant, and it can make it harder for little bugs called gnats to bother your plant.

The only bad thing is that

  • It’s not made only from natural things, so it’s not completely organic.

3. Espoma AP8 8-Quart Organic Potting Mix

Espoma Organic Potting Mix is a special kind of dirt that is good for growing snake plants. It is made by mixing together three things called sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and alfalfa meal. These things make the soil light and easy for the plant to grow in.

The special thing about Espoma is that it has something in it called myco-tone. Myco-tone is like a secret blend of mushroom-like things that help the soil absorb water without getting too hard. This means that even when the top of the soil is dry, the plant’s roots can still get the water they need to grow.

So if you want your snake plant to be happy and healthy, you can use Espoma Organic Potting Mix with myco-tone.

Espoma is a special type of dirt that helps plants grow really well. It has a pH level of about 6.5, which is just right for many plants to be healthy.

In addition to that, Espoma also has some other things in it that are really good for plants. One of these things is called yucca extract. This comes from a plant called yucca, and it helps the plant’s roots take up nutrients from the soil.

Another thing that Espoma has is something called earthworm castings. These are tiny bits of poop from earthworms, and they have lots of nutrients that plants need to grow big and strong.

So when you use Espoma to grow your plants, you’re giving them the perfect soil with all the good things they need to be healthy and happy.

The stuff that makes up this product is made of three things: sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and alfalfa meal.

The pH level of this product is about 6.5, which is just right for many plants to be healthy.

And the best part is that it’s organic, which means it’s made from natural things that are good for the environment and don’t have any bad chemicals in them. So if you want to grow your plants healthily and naturally, this product is a great choice.

Here are some good things about this product:

  • It is very light, so it won’t be too heavy for your plants to grow.
  • It drains water well and keeps some water in it so your plants can stay hydrated.
  • It’s made from all-natural things that are good for the environment, so you can feel good about using it to grow your plants.

But there are also a few things you should know:

  • The ingredients that makeup something called myco-tone aren’t listed on the package.
  • The pH level of this product is in the right range, but it leans a little bit towards being too alkaline for some plants.

Overall, this is a good product for growing plants, but you might want to do more research to ensure it’s the best one for the type of plant you want to grow.

4. Fox Farm Happy Frog Organic Potting Soil Mix

Fox Farm’s Happy Frog Organic Indoor Mix is a special type of dirt that helps houseplants grow really well. It’s made from natural things like sphagnum peat moss, forest humus, and sandy loam.

What makes Happy Frog so good for plants is that it has some other things in it that are also natural and really good for plants. For example, it has tiny living things called soil microbes that help the roots grow strong and take up nutrients from the soil.

It also has things like bat poop (also called bat guano), worm poop (also called earthworm castings), and old pieces of plants from the forest that have all turned into dirt. These things have lots of nutrients that plants need to grow big and strong.

Another cool thing about Happy Frog is that it has something called mycorrhizae fungi in it. These fungi help the roots grow even better by helping them get more nutrients from the soil.

So if you want your houseplants to be healthy and grow really well, you can use Happy Frog Organic Indoor Mix to give them everything they need.

The Happy Frog mix has even more good things in it that are great for plants. One of these things is called humic acids, which are made naturally when things like leaves and other plant materials break down.

Another thing it has is oyster shells that have been ground up and something called dolomitic lime. These things help to make sure the dirt has the right pH level, which is really important for plants to grow well.

When the dirt has a pH level of about 6.5, it’s just right for many plants to be healthy. So the Happy Frog mix has everything your plants need to be happy and grow strong.

Here are some things you should know about this product:

The stuff that makes up this product is made of three things: sphagnum peat moss, forest humus, and sandy loam.

The pH level of this product is about 6.5, which is just right for many plants to be healthy.

And the best part is that it’s organic, which means it’s made from natural things that are good for the environment and don’t have any bad chemicals in them. So if you want to grow your plants healthily and naturally, this product is a great choice.


This product has lots of natural nutrients that are really good for plants.

It’s also light and helps plants grow well because it can drain well.

And it’s all made from natural things and is good for the environment.


One thing to think about is that this product can be a bit expensive, so it might cost more than some other options.

5. Miracle-Gro Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix 8 Qt.

If you love your houseplants so much that you water them all the time, this soil mix is perfect for you. It’s called Miracle-Gro Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix, and it’s really great for plants that need soil that can drain well.

This soil mix was made to help cactus and other plants like them, called succulents, grow well. These kinds of plants don’t like it when their soil is too wet, so this soil mix is perfect for them.

But here’s a secret: even snake plants, different from cactus and succulents, can grow well in this soil mix. Snake plants don’t like their feet to be wet either, so this soil mix is a great choice if you have a snake plant that needs some new soil.

This soil is made from a few different things: forest products, peat moss, sand, and perlite. When you put these things together, they make soil that won’t get too wet and heavy.

Even though this soil can drain water really well, the perlite in it can still hold on to a little bit of moisture and then give it slowly to the roots of the snake plant.

There’s also something called Miracle-Gro plant fertilizer in the soil. This is good for the snake plant because it has important nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in a ratio of 6-2-4. And the pH level of the soil is usually around 5.5 to 6.2, which is good for the snake plant too.

Product Specs

  • This soil is made from a mixture of things, including Sphagnum peat moss, forest products, sand, and perlite.
  • The pH level of the soil is usually between 5.5 and 6.2.
  • However, it’s important to note that this soil is not organic.

Good things about this soil:

  • Water goes through it easily, so your plants won’t get too wet
  • It has plant food in it to help your plants grow
  • It can be good for plants that don’t like too much water

Not-so-good things about this soil:

  • It’s not completely made of organic things
  • The soil might be a little bit too acidic for some plants

How We Chose the Best Soil for Snake Plants

We looked at a lot of different types of soil for snake plants before choosing the ones we recommended. Housedecorz wanted soil that would let water drain through easily but still hold on to some moisture to help the plant stay hydrated if you forget to water it for a little while.

We did a lot of research to find the best soil for growing snake plants. Housedecorz wanted soil that would let water drain through it easily but also hold onto some moisture to keep the plant’s roots from drying out.

We only considered soil that didn’t have any bad chemicals in it and was made mostly or completely from natural things. Our team also made sure the soil wouldn’t get squished together too easily because snake plants don’t like soil that’s too hard and tightly packed.

We looked at potting soils that didn’t have harsh chemicals and mostly contained natural ingredients. Housedecorz also made sure the soil wouldn’t get too packed down, as snake plants don’t like that.

While fertilizer is helpful in the soil, we didn’t count it against the products if it wasn’t included because fertilizer can always be added later.

The Advantages of Using the Best Soil for Snake Plants

If you want your snake plant to grow well and look its best, you must put it in the right soil. The soil should be lightweight and not too heavy, so the plant can easily spread its roots.

It should also drain water well so the roots don’t get too wet and start to rot. It’s not a good idea to just use soil from outside, as it might not be the right type of soil for your snake plant. When you use good quality soil, your snake plant will grow tall and strong, with leaves that have really pretty colors.

The best kind of soil for snake plants is one that drains well so the roots don’t get too wet. It should also be loose and light so the roots can grow well.

Even if you sometimes forget to water the plant, the right soil can help protect it. So, it’s important to use quality soil instead of regular garden soil. This will help your snake plant grow tall and colorful.

snake plant soil helps to grow it faster

Final Words on Best Soil for Snake Plants

To help a snake plant grow healthy, you need to put it in good soil and use the right way to grow it inside. You need to find a pot that is a bit bigger than the plant’s roots.

Then you put some rocks at the bottom of the pot to help the water drain out. After that, you put the plant in the pot and add soil around it.

It would be best if you also were careful about the water you use. Sometimes, tap water has salt in it that can make the soil bad for the plant. So, every 3 to 4 years, you should change the soil and put the plant in new soil to keep it healthy.


Having a snake plant in your home is an easy way to make it look more green and more lively. This plant can grow well even if the soil and water are a little different than it needs, but it grows best if you put it in the right soil. If you’re new to growing plants inside, you might have some questions about it.

I’m here to help answer some of your questions about the soil for a type of plant called Sansevieria. If you have a question that’s not on this list, you can write it in the comments section, and I’ll do my best to help you out. Let’s get started.

  • Q. What NPK ratio do I need for a snake plant?

You can use fertilizer if you want to give your snake plant some food to help it grow well. A good kind of fertilizer for snake plants has a balance of three things that help it grow: N, P, and K, which are written as numbers like 10-10-10. But even if the numbers are a little different, it’s okay. Just look for a fertilizer that says it’s good for any kind of plant you keep inside the house.

  • Q. How do I properly prepare the soil for a snake plant?

When you’re getting ready to plant a snake plant, there’s a good way to do it. First, you can put some little rocks or pebbles at the bottom of the pot. After that, you can add some soil on top of the rocks. Sometimes, the soil is in a package, and you need to add water to it to make it grow. So, you can put the soil in a big bowl and pour water on it, then wait for it to get bigger. After it’s ready, you can put the soil in the pot and put the snake plant in it.

  • Q. Do snake plants like coffee grounds?

If you like to drink coffee, you might think putting the leftover coffee grounds in the soil would be good to help the snake plant grow. But it’s important to know that coffee grounds can make the soil more sour, which isn’t good for the plant. To ensure the soil is the right kind of sour or not too sour, you can use a pH tester. If the soil isn’t too sour, you can sometimes give the snake plant some leftover cold coffee as a special treat. But if the soil is too sour, it’s not a good idea to put coffee grounds in it.

  • Q. Can I use regular potting soil for snake plants?

When you want to plant a snake in a pot, it’s important to use the right soil. Any soil made for plants you grow inside the house and lets water flow out well should be okay. But you shouldn’t use soil that is made for plants you grow outside, like in a garden. Also, if the bag of soil has been open for a long time, it’s not a good idea to use it. That’s because insects and diseases can get inside and make the soil bad for the plant. So, it’s better to use new soil that hasn’t been open for a long time.

  • Q. Can I use succulent soil for snake plants?

If you have a snake plant, you can use soil made especially for succulents to grow it in. This type of soil is made to let water flow through it easily and not get too compact, which is perfect for snake plants. This way, your plant will have a nice, safe place to grow.

  • Q. Can you use cactus soil for snake plants?

Do you have a snake plant, or are you thinking about getting one? If so, I have some important information for you about the best soil type for snake plants to use.

You can use soil made for cacti for your snake plant because it’s rough and lets water drain away easily. This is great for snake plants because they need soil that allows water to flow through it.

But, if the cactus soil is too rough, you can mix it with peat moss or regular potting soil. This will make the soil a little softer and give your snake plant more organic material to grow in.

Having the right soil for your snake plant is super important for making sure it stays healthy and strong for a long time. So, make sure you choose the right soil for the snake plant or mix it to have the right qualities.

I hope we have covered every good information on the best soil for snake plants for you.

And if you want to learn even more about taking care of indoor plants, like snake plants, keep reading our upcoming articles.

Manoj Datic

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