How To Care For Aloe Vera Plants: Must Know

In our last article, Different Types of Aloe Vera Plants, we talked about the different species of aloe vera plants and how to plant them. But if we do not know how to care for the aloe vera plant, then our plant will be waste.
Aloe vera plant leaves are beneficial; their juice and pulp may help in many skin diseases. Their pulp can also be used for relieving pain from burn and scrapes.
The aloe vera plant is straightforward to grow. It is also used as a house decor plant. The medicinal value for the aloe plant is very high, so everybody wants to plant it.
We have seen many people complaining about the caring process of aloe vera. The caring process of aloe vera is straightforward, and today, we will discuss that.
How To Care For Aloe Vera Plants
Aloe vera is a succulent plant species of the aloe genus. It is usually found in deserts where there is a bright light. Aloe This plant has adopted some specific mutation according to its origin situation. That is why we need to be careful about caring for the Aloe vera plant.
Providing Basic Light

We will place the aloe in a sunny radiant spot. An ideal place for growing aloe plants is either a bright kitchen window or another well-lit spot. Aloe is always found in desert zones with aberrant sunlight.
Aloe vera in full shade will not flourish, so we must ensure that there is bright sunlight in the room where we place the aloe. We can also plant or move the plant for some months. Avoid keeping aloe outside if you live in a snowy area. Aloe vera plants are comprised of 95 % of water, so if we place the plant in the snowy area, then the plant will freeze.
If you live in a warm zone, then you can place or plant the aloe vera plant outside. We should keep this in mind that sun rays should not directly hit the plant as it may destroy our plant. We will try to keep the plant in indirect sunlight for six to eight hours per day.
Provide Water Sincerely And Sparingly
As we talked that aloe vera plants are adapted for living in desert areas. Aloe plants do not need regular watering. Before watering the aloe plant, we must check that two-inch soil is dry from the surface. After that, we will water the plant slowly and deeply until the water comes out of drainage holes (if planted in a pot).
Aloe does not need that much water, so do not water the plant until the two-inch soil is not dry again. In most environments, we need to water the plant regularly from April to October as its very sunny in those areas.
- Water once a week in summer and twice in a month in winter.
- If we repot the aloe plant, we must give water to two to three days to adjust to the new soil.
- When you forget that last time when we watered the plant, so try to give less water, not more. When we overwater aloe, the root gets rotten, and the plant wilts.
- If it is raining, then do not use tap water to water the plant. Rainwater is best for the aloe vera plant.
- In the rainy season, the aloe vera plant replicates in the natural environment. When its drought, it is tough for the plant to grow or reproduce.
Fertilize The Aloe During The Growing Season
The best time for aloe plant to grow is April to September; we must try to fertilize twice in a month during this period. Dilute a fifteen-thirty – fifteen fertilizer in the water. Take one part fertilizer to five parts of water. Gently put the fertilizer into the roots of aloe.
Stop the fertilization process during winter because it does not absorb fertilizer when it does not grow actively.
Watch For Insects
Insects are very harmful to not just aloe but for every plant. There are several pests that are usually fans of the aloe plants. Mealybugs are very common for aloe plants. These bugs look flat and brown; they like to suck the sap from aloe plants. You can spray some nontoxic pesticides on your plat to remove them.
Some extra tips for you-
- Place the pot in bright, indirect sunlight. You can come up with artificial light as the source of light. If the plant is kept in low light, it will grow leggy.
- Aloe vera grows in 55 to 80-degree farehnite that is the temperature of every house.
- You can bring the plants outside in days, and if the nights are too cold, you can take them inside.
- Aloe plants need repotting when it grows bigger. Have a look at how to re-pot the aloe plant.
Removing & Replanting Offsets (Pups)

Fully developed aloe vera plants frequently produce offsets that are also called pups or planters. These infant pups can be used to deliver a new plant ( a clone to mother plant)
- Find where the pups are attached to the mother plant. You can detach them by using scissors or a sharp knife.
- Put the pups or offsets into the soil. Remember, the soil must be nearby of the mother plant. Let the offset sit out for some days. This will help to prevent the rotting process. One must keep the offsets in a warm environment and indirect light.
- Once the offsets are formed, callouses, you can pot them in a potting mix.
- Put the new pot in a sunny place and water them after at least a week after. Because the new plant takes time to get used to new pot soil.
Final Words
Aloe vera is an excellent medicine for humans, but the plantation process takes a bit of time. One must know the process of how to care for aloe vera plants before planting an aloe vera. Aloe vera can be used to decorate the kitchen shelf, and it is also called a self-generating first aid kit.
If you are fond of gardening and the growing medicinal products, you must try these steps in your garden.
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